Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wednesday, July 18th

Wednesday was devoted totally to wine tasting. We visited six wineries. Leah and I both enjoyed the first two wineries that we visited (Alma Rosa and Sanford Winery). The host at Alma Rosa was in Sideways. The last four wineries that we visited were a little too impersonal and commercial for us (Foley, Babcock, Longoria and Roblar). We were a little frustrated in that there were a few locations that we either could not find or were closed for wine tasting. The day ended on a good note as we ate at the Los Olivos Wine Merchant & Café (remember the double date on Sideways) and I found out that one of my research articles was accepted to a prestigious journal! Tomorrow, we head south to the warm beaches of San Diego.


lwc said...

What? Another article hits the publication list! That's certainly a cause for lifting the glass. But only after the swirl, sniff and whatever! Congrats Wade. I sure hate to leave the wine country tour. What fun it's been. lwc

momanddad said...


Congratulations on the article being accepted for publication!

Ben W.

RED {Michelle} said...

Congrats on the article! You all will love SD - it is definintely on my list of places to possibly live!

Have a wonderful time!
Michelle and Annie