Thursday, July 19, 2007

San Diego & Tired Travelers!

Well, we are tired out! Our beach camping was a bust as all the camp locations were full - oh well. We went to Malibu and Pepperdine University - not your typical university campus! WOW. Then we had lunch on the Santa Monica Pier and walked the beach. We headed towards San Diego and tried for a hotel downtown, but alas, they were ALL booked too due to several conventions. We headed for I-8 in search of a hotel/motel, but saw a Holiday Inn Express (now we can use the line - "No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express Once") in Old Town San Diego. We got the last room which was a suite and it's nice - boy, we lucked out.

Our plan is to go to an Irish Pub within walking distance and then hit Mission Beach tomorrow after we check out in the morning. We'll stay on the beach for a few hours and then start heading back tomorrow afternoon and find a motel on the interstate when we get tired.


lwc said...

I know you must be tired, I'm tired just thinking about all you two have taken in and then no room at the camp! Glad you sunk into a luxury bed and will be heading back to Texas. San Diego is really gorgeous. Leah, didn't you have a doc student at Pepperdine or some connection? I thought at the time you needed to make a campus visit! lwc

Anonymous said...

Irish Pub....beeeer.

Now you are speaking my language. I believe it was the great Homer Simpson that said it best, "Bart, a woman is like beer. They look good, they smell good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!

The best beer in the the open bottle in your hand. Enjoy!